
• Since we began, we’ve been proud of the Lifetime Decoys brand. However, we have come to accept that as we grow, our name needs to evolve with us. For more information on this transition, click here.

• In 2012, we created the first TX Rig made from steel cable (PVC coated) on the market.

• In 2019, we created the first decoy to be constructed from foam (closed cell EVA) on the market.

HyrdroFoam Decoys

The decoys are made of HydroFoam – a closed cell EVA foam, instead of traditional plastic. They are also constructed with a HollowCore Body, meaning they have a hollow

body and open bottom which further cuts weight.

HEYDAY decoys don’t need to be put in bags like a traditional decoy. They can be stepped on or run over, and will float no matter what. Just tie up your TX rigs, and toss them in the boat or bed.

The decoy is hollow primarily to save as much weight as possible. We also felt it was important to allow the decoys to sit flat on dry ground, and the only way to accomplish that was to reinvent the way we thought of a decoy keel – shifting from a single midline keel to dual keels.

Our decoys SmoothMove Dual Keels are designed to function in 3 ways:

Superior movement in the water. Imagine an inner tube spinning freely in the water, compared to the unwieldy nature of a canoe. Two rounded keels forming a sort of semi-circle allow for more movement with less wind than a single straight keel found on a traditional


Lifelike movement in current. Many waterfowlers believe their decoys should swim side to side to create more movement, but this is an old wives tale. In reality, this movement does not replicate birds in current. Instead, waterfowl tend to remain relatively stationary in a brisk current. Dual keels keep HEYDAYs swimming straight like a pontoon or


Hard Ground deployment. Instead of leaning to one side or the other on hard ground, dual keels allow decoys to deploy on the hard ground of a river bank, in a field, or on the ice.

HEYDAY decoys are the first decoys to actually replicate real movement in current.

Many waterfowlers believe their decoys should swim side to side to create more movement, but this is an old wives tale. In reality, this movement does not replicate

birds in current. Instead, waterfowl tend to remain relatively stationary in a brisk current. Dual keels keep HEYDAYs swimming straight like a pontoon or catamaran.

If you are noticing that your decoy is sinking too low beneath the surface, you likely have an early generation decoy. To solve this, drill a small hole on the top of the decoy, near the rear just at the tips of the primary feathers. This will allow the decoy to

“breathe” and will alleviate the suction cup effect.

Absolutely! HEYDAY decoys pull double duty thanks to a dual keel design. We hope that if folks want to hunt a field, river bank, falling tide, or ice shelves they aren’t forced to

bring both full bodies and floaters with them. HEYDAY decoys provide a great solution to almost every hunting application.

In season use: if decoys have gotten particularly dirty, giving a quick rinse is a great solution. If completely caked in mud, we don’t advise using a power washer.

If you’re looking for a deeper clean, using a soft bristled brush with dish soap or simple green will do the trick.

We recommend washing your decoys at least once or twice throughout the duration of the season, as the carving details in the HydroFoam tend to attract buildup over time.

At the end of the season, you should definitely wash with soap and water. The decoys should be hung (without TX Rigs tied in a knot) out of direct sunlight.

When storing HEYDAY decoys at the end of the season, you will want to clean and wash them, and hang them indoors out of direct sunlight. We suggest untying your TX rigs,

allowing them to hang straight, when hanging them for long periods of time. Ideally, you would store your decoys in a ventilated space that does not reach extreme temperatures in the offseason.

UpRight Weights:

Every box of HEYDAY decoys includes a set of UpRight weights to insure that your decoys are as dynamic as you and your hunting scenarios .

When UpRight Weights are installed, HEYDAY Decoys will self-right every time, while also remaining the lightest decoy on the market.

When UpRight Weights are NOT installed, HEYDAY HydroFoam Decoys truly shine as shockingly Ultralight.

UpRight weights can be installed or uninstalled depending on your hunting location, time of year, water levels, weather or any other variable you might find relevant.

Use of the UpRight Weights are ultimately up to personal opinion, but detailed below are our personal thoughts on use cases.

Use of the UpRight Weights are ultimately up to personal opinion. That being said, we VERY RARELY hunt with them installed.

Hunting “weightless” accomplishes multiple things:

1. Makes the industries lightest decoy even lighter – into a league all its own.

2. Allows hunters to pack in more decoys and hike further.

3. Increases movement with just the slightest breeze.

4. Allows hunters to bring more decoys in the boat and/or decrease overall weight.

If your hunting scenario doesn’t absolutely demand the weights be installed, we encourage you to hunt “weightless.”

Use of the UpRight Weights are ultimately up to personal opinion but we use them relatively rarely. That being said, we hunt with them installed for two reasons:

1. To keep the decoy upright in rough conditions:

• Hunting in wind 23+ mph

• Hunting in current or waves that “whitecap”

2. To ensure the decoys self-right if we are unable to fix them prior to the hunt:

• Hunting from in water that is too deep to wade out into (4+ ft). Examples would include oxbows, cattle or farm ponds, and some lakes and rivers.

• Sometimes when hunting from a boat.

• When you just don’t want to have to get wet in the mornings.

Most often, UpRight weights can be installed or uninstalled without the use of tools. Simply compress the foam of the keel and loosen or tighten the interior screw.

While not 100% effective, we have found two solutions that increase the likelihood of your decoys self-righting even without UpRight Weights installed.

1. “Skipping” the decoy across the water. We have found that instead of throwing the decoy high into the air, if you skim it across the surface of the water the keels are more likely to grab the water and flip the decoy over. Imagine a skier “catching an


2. Hunting with a shorter rig: The shorter the rig, the more likely the weight is to pull the decoy facing correctly as it nears the water

Texas Rigs

A TX Rig is a revolutionary way to rig decoys that first began appearing to the masses in the mid-late 1990’s. It is now the preferred method of rigging decoys for almost all

hunters across the nation, for its superior performance in: throwing decoys out, picking decoys up, flexibility of water depth, transportation, and storage.

The original TX Rig looked much different than the TX Rig of today, but the concept has remained relatively intact.

For a full history on TX Rigs, check out this video by Joel Strickland of “Surviving Duck


Using TX rigs is widely regarded now as the best solution for rigging decoys. No matter the brand you use, the concept of a TX Rig is the easiest, most efficient, and best option to throw out, pick up, vary water depth, transport, and store decoys.

Firstly, our TX Rig is designed slightly different than others on the market.

Other rigs have a sliding weight design, which is not optimal for performance because the weight can get hung up in debris or mud, or a bend in the line.

Our rig on the other hand has a fixed weight, with a decoy attached to a sliding swivel clip which is nearly impossible to get hung up.

This allows hunters to pick up HEYDAY TX Rigged decoys without ever getting their hands wet by presenting the carabiner loop at the top of the decoy every time, no matter the water depth.

Our TX Rig is made from superior materials:

Lifetime PVC Coated Steel Cable:

• Ultra-resistant to memory, tangles, and rust

• Will not break in cold weather

• Extra line will sink under the water

• 3/32” diameter

NeverLoose Crimps: Hydraulically pressed aluminum crimps hold no matter the conditions or how

hard you throw them

HoldFast Swivel Clips: Heavy-duty stainless-steel swivel clips are easy to attach, and will hold in place for as long as you own them.

AnchorPoint Weights:

Cast lead weights offered in a variety of sizes and shapes ensure the perfect configuration for every condition

3/32” diameter

Yes, we have had guides, outfitters, and hunters using our TX Rigs in salt water for over a decade now.

Like when exposing any other piece of gear to saltwater, it is recommended that you give your decoys and rigs a rinse off in fresh water after use.

The length of cable used will depend on your hunting scenario. HEYDAY TX Rigs self-correct to optimal water depth and extra line will sink back into the water, which means you will never have a rig that is “too long.” Our most common length is 4ft, which is about as deep as you’d want to go in waders. If hunting anything deeper than 10’, we recommend using a gang rig.

You should store TX rigs untied. Hanging decoys is the preferred method but not necessary.

Just tie up your TX rigs, and toss them in the boat or bed. There are various knot options which can be applied in different scenarios. HEYDAY decoys don’t need to be put in bags like a traditional decoy. They can be stepped on or run over, and will float no matter what.

jerk rig system

A jerk rig is an apparatus used to create movement on the water and in your decoy spread. It’s powered by hand, making it exceptionally simple and the best (and only legal) option for motion in many public hunting scenarios.


• Other jerk rigs on the market have clips that are permanently attached directly to the mainline, which tangle and are cumbersome to use when trying to deploy

•The HEYDAY Jerk Rig uses a single tangleproof mainline in conjunction with “decoy drops” which connect directly to the decoys.

• The decoy drops can be clipped easily to any portion of the mainline, instead of in set locations like other jerk rigs on the market

Our Jerk Rig System is made from superior materials:

Lifetime PVC Coated Steel Cable

• Ultra-resistant to memory, tangles, and rust

• Will not break in cold weather

• Extra line will sink under the water

• 3/32” diameter

NeverLoose Crimps:

Hydraulically pressed aluminum crimps hold no matter the conditions

HoldFast Swivels: Heavy-duty stainless-steel swivel clips will hold in place for as long as you own


Marine-grade bungee for optimal stretch and motion.

1. Walk out into your spread, extend the legs to the grapnel anchor, and drop it.

2. Begin to head back to your hide and unspool the mainline.

3. Clip decoy drops onto the mainline, anywhere you see fit (we recommend the small space between aluminum crimps or directly to the swivels for optimal movement).

4. Settle in

5. Keep the jerk rig line taut, and “jerk” the line back and forth allowing the bungee to stretch pulling the decoys forward and backwards to create motion in the water.

Some people want more than six decoys on their mainline, as you can clip as many as you would like on at a time.

Other people like to have decoy drops on many of their decoys even when not being used on the jerk rig. That way they have flexibility to put any decoy on their jerk rig at

any time.

gang rig system

A gang rig is an apparatus used to deploy decoys in deep water. It stretches a mainline between two weights, and is kept afloat by the decoys that are clipped onto it.

1. Extend the legs to the first grapnel anchor, and drop it.

2. Begin to move your boat in the direction you want your decoys, and unspool the mainline.

3. Clip decoy drops onto the mainline anywhere you see fit.

4. Extend the legs to the second grapnel anchor, and drop it.

Some people want more than 12 decoys on their mainline, as you can clip as many as you would like on at a time.


1. Determine water depth you are trying to solve for.

2. Add + 1 inch for weight attachment

3. Add + 4 inches (at least) for carabiner loop

4. Cut total length of Lifetime Cable

5. Loop cable through weight and place crimp

6. Close crimp with a press, vice grips, pliers, cutters, or hammer.

7. Feed cable through eye of swivel clip.

8. Make a loop the desired size, and close crimp.